Experience New York City's History
Events in person and online await!

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Experience the extraordinary history of New York City at your convenience from anywhere in the world.  Enjoy live in-depth online presentations such as virtual tours, online classes, and learning lectures that let you explore the city’s rich past and cultural heritage.

Treat yourself to an immersive experience at an one of our exclusive one-of-a-kind in person events celebrating New York City history and culture. Whether you’re a history enthusiast, an experience seeking local, or a curious traveler, our premier events promise to transport you through time and bring New York City’s incredible history to life.

Special Events


Celebrate New York City and history at an exclusive immersive in person event


Address to Impress Fifth Avenue in the the Gilded Age

Journey through New York’s Gilded Age on Fifth Avenue, exploring its transformation from a quiet street to a grand address. Discover stunning mansions, powerful families, and the lasting legacy of this iconic era.

NYC 400 - New York City Quadricentennial Commemoration Event

New York City Quadricentennial
Four Hundred Year Commemoration

Join us for an immersive in person event commemorating 400 years of New York City history and culture, as we evolve in the spirit of liberty into the next millennium.

America 250 in New York City History

America 250 Commemoration
in New York City History

Experience an extraordinary retrospect through the history of New York City and its impact on the revolution and evolution of United States of America

Online Presentations


Experience the excitement of New York City and its extraordinary history from anywhere in the world

New York Historical Society Live Event

A History of New York City Mayors

Register now for and insightful event with an eye opening retrospective of New York City’s most influential Mayors available to stream online from the New York Historical.

Private Events


Celebrate your history with custom content for your next special event

Special Event Spring NYC

Celebrate your New York City History

Let us entertain your audience and enrich your private event with a custom experience that celebrates your history and commemorates your milestone.


Year after year New York Historical Tours has been awarded Trip Advisor’s Certificate of Excellence and consistently receives top accolades by travelers on the world’s largest travel website.

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